Steppers Flow Blog
We discuss topics related to learning, dancing, and promoting the growth of Stepping worldwide. We also cover the culture and popular topics.
Watching and following a well thought-out course of videos is great, but when you add a support system from a virtual community of like-minded members and the instructor, it supercharges your learning and makes you feel like you belong.
If you are willing to allow your classmates to see your progress (complete with successes and struggles) and receive feedback from the instructor and other...
I invited an excellent stepper from Detroit Teresa Madyun to discuss some ideas for getting back on beat when we inevitably get off beat sometimes.
This topic is not something that I've learned in a class. I imagine that there are not a lot of classes on the topic. I could be wrong, but in any case I wanted to broach this topic. This is the beginning of this exploration...
One of the issues that some new steppers have is dancing mechanically. What does this mean and how can you avoid it?
In the very beginning it's difficult to avoid. You are first trying to learn the format of the dance and basic musicality. You are also learning how to communicate through physical signals and rules that are similar to learning a language.
Those who have...
The Beginning
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